Italian Beginner A2.1
<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a21"><strong>Italian Beginner A2.1</strong></h1>
<p>This level builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the A1 beginner’s level, consolidating structures and
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a21"><strong>Italian Beginner A2.1</strong></h1>
<p>This level builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the A1 beginner’s level, consolidating structures and
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a21"><strong>Italian Beginner A2.1</strong></h1>
<p>This level builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the A1 beginner’s level, consolidating structures and
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Italian Beginner A2.2
<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a22"><strong>Italian Beginner A2.2</strong></h1>
<p>This level builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the A2.1 level, consolidating structures and introducing new
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a22"><strong>Italian Beginner A2.2</strong></h1>
<p>This level builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the A2.1 level, consolidating structures and introducing new
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a22"><strong>Italian Beginner A2.2</strong></h1>
<p>This level builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the A2.1 level, consolidating structures and introducing new
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a22"><strong>Italian Beginner A2.2</strong></h1>
<p>This level builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the A2.1 level, consolidating structures and introducing new
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Italian Beginner A1.2
<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a12"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.2</strong></h1>
<p>This course builds on the knowledge acquired at Level A1.1. At this level, students learn to understand and use
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a12"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.2</strong></h1>
<p>This course builds on the knowledge acquired at Level A1.1. At this level, students learn to understand and use
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Italian Beginner A1.1
<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a11"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.1</strong></h1>
<p>This introductory course is designed for those who want to travel to Italy and be able to have a basic conversation.
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a11"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.1</strong></h1>
<p>This introductory course is designed for those who want to travel to Italy and be able to have a basic conversation.
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a11"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.1</strong></h1>
<p>This introductory course is designed for those who want to travel to Italy and be able to have a basic conversation.
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a11"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.1</strong></h1>
<p>This introductory course is designed for those who want to travel to Italy and be able to have a basic conversation.
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a11"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.1</strong></h1>
<p>This introductory course is designed for those who want to travel to Italy and be able to have a basic conversation.
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a11"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.1</strong></h1>
<p>This introductory course is designed for those who want to travel to Italy and be able to have a basic conversation.
...<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a11"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.1</strong></h1>
<p>This introductory course is designed for those who want to travel to Italy and be able to have a basic conversation.
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Italian Advanced C2
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Italian Intermediate B1.2
<h1 id="header-italian-intermediate-b12"><strong>Italian Intermediate B1.2</strong></h1>
<p>At this level, you will learn to understand and discuss familiar matters regularly encountered in work,
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Italian Intermediate B2.1
<h1 id="header-italian-intermediate-b21"><strong>Italian Intermediate B2.1</strong></h1>
<p>This course builds upon and consolidates knowledge gained in B1.4. At this level, students learn to
...Interested in courses like these? to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Italian Beginner A1.3
<h1 id="header-italian-beginner-a13"><strong>Italian Beginner A1.3</strong></h1>
<p>This course builds on the knowledge gained in A1.1 and A1.2 level and continues to expand on previously learnt
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Italian Advanced C2.3
<h1 id="header-italian-advanced-c23"><strong>Italian Advanced C2.3</strong></h1>
<p>This is an advanced level course for proficient users of the language who can understand with ease everything heard
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Italian Intermediate B2.3
<h1 id="header-italian-intermediate-b23"><strong>Italian Intermediate B2.3</strong></h1>
<p>This course consolidates the knowledge gained in level B2.2 and extends learning.
The course focuses on
...Interested in courses like these? to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.