Italian Intermediate B1.2
<h1 id="header-italian-intermediate-b12"><strong>Italian Intermediate B1.2</strong></h1>
<p>At this level, you will learn to understand and discuss familiar matters regularly encountered in work,
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Italian Intermediate B2.1
<h1 id="header-italian-intermediate-b21"><strong>Italian Intermediate B2.1</strong></h1>
<p>This course builds upon and consolidates knowledge gained in B1.4. At this level, students learn to
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Italian Intermediate B2.3
<h1 id="header-italian-intermediate-b23"><strong>Italian Intermediate B2.3</strong></h1>
<p>This course consolidates the knowledge gained in level B2.2 and extends learning.
The course focuses on
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Italian Intermediate B1.3
<h1 id="header-italian-intermediate-b13"><strong>Italian Intermediate B1.3</strong></h1>
<p>This course is a continuation of B1.2 and is for any student wishing to learn the language for business,
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Italian Intermediate B1.1
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Italian Intermediate B1.4
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Italian Intermediate B2.2
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Italian Intermediate B2.5
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Italian Intermediate B2.4
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Italian Intermediate B1 Revision
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.