Beginners - Co.As.It.
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Italian Beginner A2.3 Online

Italian Beginner A2.3 This module builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the previous course and completes the A2 level. Students participate in simple conversations, talking about their home life and leisure activities such as going to a concert. Grammatical elements include: vocabulary relating to the media, free time and entertainment, music, routine events, giving advice, expressing likes and dislikes, possessive pronouns, tenses – present, past, future, imperfect,... [More]

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Italian Beginner A2.3

Italian Beginner A2.3 This module builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the previous course and completes the A2 level. Students participate in simple conversations, talking about their home life and leisure activities such as going to a concert. Grammatical elements include: vocabulary relating to the media, free time and entertainment, music, routine events, giving advice, expressing likes and dislikes, possessive pronouns, tenses – present, past, future, imperfect,... [More]

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Italian Beginner A2.2 Online

Italian Beginner A2.2 This level builds upon the basic knowledge gained in the A2.1 level, consolidating structures and introducing new content. Students will be able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance. Students will be able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Grammatical elements include use of negatives, introduction of... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.